children's courses rules
Students / parents of students participating in physical activity classes should satisfy themselves that they are capable of undertaking the activity, and if in doubt consult their doctor for clearance. Personal accident insurance for students engaged in class or club activities IS NOT PROVIDED, students wishing to have such cover should consult an insurance broker, or speak to the coach about BAGA Insurance prior to the start of the course. Parents are politely requested not to remain in the hall during sessions. There will be an opportunity at the end of term to see your child's performance.
Please read these conditions before signing a course aplication form as they effect your rights.
Application - Application for all courses must be made on the appropriate form. This form can be obtained from reception.
Payment - All course payments must be received by the due date as shown on the course enrolment form. Failure to do this will result in loss of your place.
Waiting List - When in operation applications will be dealt with in strict rotation and will be conducted when a place becomes available.
Eligibility - Please read course information for age groups
Cancellation by Melbourn Sports Centre - Melbourn Sports Centre reserve the right to cancel any course or session(s) without notice, and vary from time to time the scale of charges.
Cancellation by the Customer - Only prolonged sickness (more than 2 weeks) supported by a medical certificate will be considered for a refund / credit note. In case of a refund a 20% administration fee will be deducted. Please provide notification in writing as early as possible.
Medical Condition - Must be recorded on the application form. We may require written confirmation from your doctor that they agree for your child to participate on the course.
Instructors - Have the authority to remove any individual that has been placed in an unsuitable class and alter the number in each class if required.
Injury, Loss or Damage - All participants entering into sporting activities do so entirely at their own risk. MSC their servant or agents do not accept liability for any personal injury (except that arising from negligence as defined in Section(1) of the unfair contract terms Act 1977) or loss or damage to property, howsoever caused.
Re-enrolments - Re-enrolment letters will be handed out two weeks before the end of each term. The letter will explain your group, time and day of your lesson, as well as the new commencement date. It is your responsibility to pay for your lessons before the payment due date. Failure to do this will result in you losing your place on our lesson programme.