party hire rules
Application - Melbourn Sports Centre reserve the right to refuse an application on reasonable grounds. The person making the application must be over 18 years old.
Cancellation (by the hirer) - If you need to cancel please notify us in writing as soon as possible. If more than one month's notice is given then you will be entitled to a full refund. If under one month's notice is given then a 20% admin charge will be deducted from the refund. However, parties cancelled with less than two weeks' notice will not receive any refund. If your party fails to turn up without having cancelled in writing the full charge will remain due.
Cancellation (by Melbourn Sports Centre) - Melbourn Sports Centre reserve the right to cancel or terminate any booking without notice for whatever reason without being bound to give an explanation in which case a full refund will be made.
Indemnity and insurance - The hirer shall idemnify Melbourn Sports Centre from and against any action, claims, cost, demands and proceedings. Melbourn Sports Centre, their servant or agents do not accept liability for any personal injury (except that arising from negligence as defined in section 1 (I) of the unfair contract terms Act 1977) or loss or damage to property howsoever caused.
Sub letting and Bylaws - the hirer must comply with all bylaws, regulations, and statutory requirements relating to the premises / facility. The hirer shall not sublet or assign the benefit of any permission to use the facility.
Responsibility - Melbourn Sports Centre will make every effort to ensure the participants safety but parents / guardians and organisers must ultimately accept responsibilty for children's / guests welfare.
Community Centre - The payment for the centre is a hire charge for one hour only. Therefore please clean up before the end of your booking - cleaning materials will be provided. If the centre has to be cleaned after your booking then extra charges will be applied.
PLEASE NOTE - Duty Managers will instruct you to leave the centre if you have exceeded your pre-booked time. There may also be an extra charge to you if the centre has not been vacated within a reasonable time.
Party staff - Your lifeguard will be trained and qualified to the high standards set by the Royal Lifesaving Society. They will be on hand to ensure the safety of your guests during the pool party. The party co-ordinators role is to entertain your guests throughout your pool party. They will organise various fun and enjoyable games which can be tailored to meet your guests needs. Please note that the party co-ordinator cannot be counted as an adult taking responsibility for any guest under the age of 8.
Party rules
1) All children under the age of 8 MUST be accompanied in the water by a responsible adult (over 16 years) at a ratio of 1 to 5 throughout the party.
2) For children's parties (under 8's) we ask that there are a maximum of 25 children invited as a minimum number of 5 adults will be needed. The overall maximum number of swimmers is 30.
3) No swimming masks, snorkels or flippers are allowed during the party unless prior arrangement has been made with the party sports officer.
4) In the interests of hygiene all swimmers are requested to shower before entering the pool.
5) Spectators must watch from the viewing area. Only swimmers are allowed through to poolside.
6) The viewing area is not available for cakes, sandwiches or games either before or after the party and we would request that the area be vacated as soon as possible to make way for other users.
7) ALL swimmers must follow the instructions of the lifeguards and co-ordinator (if applicable).
8) A limited number of armbands are available to borrow if required.
9) We recommend that hirer and guests arrive approximately 10 minutes prior to the start of the party to allow time for children to change.
10) If a rope is in place across the pool, swimmers must ask permission of the lifeguard before entering the deep end.
11) We regret that we can not allow the use of any cameras or video recorders during the pool party unless prior permission has been officially granted - please contacted the manager for prior permission.
Melbourn Sports Centre
Melbourn Village College
The Moor
01763 263313