In view of the government’s latest announcement and taking into account advice from the NHS, Melbourn Sports Centre facility will continue to ask customers to adhere to the following:
Face Coverings – as we are an indoor facility, we would ask customers to continue to wear face coverings within the centre when not exercising until at least the end of March 2022
·Social Distancing – we will be reviewing our bather loads and participant levels for swimming sessions, with the hope that we can start safely increasing these back to previous numbers. Please continue to consider other centre users and keep a safe distance wherever possible within the facility
Hand Sanitisers – we will continue to provide these for users throughout the building
Booking System – this will remain in place until at least the end of the current timetable (3rd April), and we will be reviewing this system in the meantime to see whether it is safe and viable to return to ‘turn up and swim’ sessions after that date
Swim Lessons – these will continue on the same set up until further notice
Thank you for your participation and for continuing to respect other users of Melbourn Sports Centre